Thursday 24 November 2011

Chocolate Fried Banana


Lets talk about fried bananas..gosh i love this snack ^^ ..really" love it,when i go back to my home every morning asked my brother to buy it fr me everyday he said that im wired hahaa^^ .

how to make a  chocolate Fired bananas :

The Material :

1. 125 gr High Protein flour
2. 1 egg BTR
3.100 gr chocolate,combs or sliced
4. 2 eggs white ,beaten off
5. panir 100 gr flour
6.350 ml waters
7.1 tablespoon milk powder
8.1 tablespoon margarine , melted
9.1 tablespoon sugar
10. 10 pcs Bananas plantain ( pisang raja )   

How to make it :

1. Put flour in a container, make a hollow in the center, pour the egg, salt and margarine, stir rotate while the waterpoured little by little. Stir until smooth and dull.
2. Let stand for 20 minutes. Heat a flat pan antilekat, makepancakes until the dough runs out. Take a piece of pancake, put the bananas, sprinkle with chocolate, roll and fold it uptightly.
3. Dip into the egg white, roll in flour panir above.
4. Let sit in freezer for 30 minutes.
5. Heat oil and fry until golden yellow bananas. Remove from heat.
6. Serve while hot with a sprinkling of brown sugar and cinnamon powder.

Served for 6 portion 

Enjoy Cooking  ^^ 


Wednesday 23 November 2011

Just a felling


When u falls to sum one, had u ever to think,had u ever to tough clearly..??
it just a felling, can u stop it..? can u just go away from the felling..?

When u know that the feeling is wrong can u just blame on ur feeling?
can u blame ur heart..?

when it become to deep,because u already fell comfort and u wanna stop,can it be stop..?

it just a feeling , it just a heart.

But u can manage to clear ur though before its to late,before u hurt again..
Slowly but sure u can..time will heals.

it just a story

its been so long not writing this blog,,

As time goes by i just realize that i'hv been live here in Brunei Darusalam already about 1 years, away frm all my beloved one to take my dream..

Meeting all new character people..a lot a new place..a lot of new friend, a lot of new adventure, new life,new job, i know its sound so silly but i fell comfort here in Brunei.

A small peace country, no traffic, quite save country they said : "welcome to peaceful Brunei Darusalam"
the sultan really love his people,he's a humble person i think, he never had a driver to drive his car, he always drive his own car by his self..

well its hard to live by your self on sum one country, haha but at least i can survive.

well that fr me.. catch u later

Sunday 22 May 2011

Penang - Townsville


Hi there..its been a while i'm not wrote on my blog..haha actual i just wait for my other collage too send me a pict from Townsville trips last 1st May' 11 but unfortunately we don't meet again on 1 set crew so i just had a little pict on townsville trips,infact we do a lot of pict on every where..hehehe not even with the crew,the Fo n Capt..we are so awesome crew..on my flight that day. ok little story about my flight is an "charter Flight" witch is been charter from the Army Ausie townsvilles base,so my pax are the soldier damn awesome..they had a great body..( ngiler..liad badan" yg sexy..jadi gtu..) and guest what they were so young..their age just around 18 - 21Yo ..damn..hahah so young..but they bring bottles of alcohol to air craft luckly they didnt  drunk on board.

Anyway this is my Pax on Penang - Townsville flight : 

Q- up for cargo 

They wait for their cargo bag..

Luckly they are so polite hahaha..even though they are so young..if compare with me..hahaha (so not old ..mature enough). Can u Imagen when we about to land at Townsville they are so exited when our capt who is an Twnsville citizen also touch down at the run away..the are all claps they hand..they are so happy to going back to  their home town.. Ok another  un ussually thing happen that we landed not in the airport,but we landed on their base hangar. 

Me...Me after Landing 
Royal Army Air force  Townsville 

Anyway after landing we all crew going to the hotel it not hotel its more like an apartment :
Room 311
 The best thing of this room is i had a zakusi bath hahaha..realy enjoying my room so much even we only had 10 hour at Townsvilles and going back also to Penang n Begawan.

My Bath Room 


 The time i got in to this room Straight  away i got shower on it..haha so wonderfull after i got tired on my flight i got "zakusi" to chill  my tired.

The Living Room 

My Balcony 

I love my balcony it make me fell relax watch the sunrise in the morning at Townsvilles 


After take shower and a chill "ZAKUSI" i go out to take a break fast and just wanna see how Townsvilles look like..



Townsvilles is a quite town i guest, when i get there it a " labors" day..hhhh so its public holiday, i just take a walk alone..n get some breakfast..i get "Banana Pancake" for its an explore by my nice to travel alone..

This s it my "Banana Pancake" Yaamms

Another side of  Townsvilles : 

Ok that is from "TOWNSVILLES" next is Newzeland...

Wassalamualaikum wb

Tuesday 26 April 2011


 * Brisbane *
View at Sebel Suite 1508

Yeay...touch down di Brisbane..nice city. Landing jam 5 pagi lelahnya penerbangan ini 6 jam di atas blm pas reporting time,brefing time..semua jd 7.5 jam..weehh pegel reeekk,the journey to the hotel is quite far its about 30- 35 mnt selama travel to all over flying i have done brunei airport it the old fashion airport huh..payah. any way we stay at :

95 Charlotte street 
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia
(07) 3224 3500 


Nice hotel..istirahat cm 5 jam an abies tu going out..explore brisbane first we go to the elizabeth street near the hote just 5 min walking see the church, se the down town..

St. Andrew Church 

after getting luchie at " Nando's " 

@ Nando's chix

Kita mkn bareng" 1 set crew bareng Capt nya ternyata capt nya aci ada jg brunei an capt. Fo nya si mark..cuplis bgt masa jam nya G shock haha pastur  bgt doi..hihi. but he is nice..

At the park
Tandon bike
The Wheels 

With Azizan (Steward)
Near Starbuck 
Brisbane River

Di dlm park  nya ada pantai buatan yg keren bgt..ada little zoo jg di sana bgss deh. andai Jkt or Brunie ada seperti ini sedappp bgt.after tired ridding the bike we came back to the down town to look for a souvenir store,and get some dinner coz it really hungry after running around the park hehehe ^^ 

@ Souvenir Store 
Down Town 
Brisbane at 06:00 PM


Setelah selesai semua petualangan yg hny sebntr di Brisbane...capeeenya  hrs nugas lg depart from Brisbane at 11:30 PM.smp hotel ga bs tdr payah pdhal udh min obt tdr ga tdr mempan neh obtnya..6,5 Hour to the air craft..kaki rasa mw copooott  tp Fun sebelum balik ke Hotel mkn di seven eleven ..beli muffin 2 n 1 cup capuchino yum..yum.. 

That all from destination AKL.. yippy  
C u at Auckland guys..Godel,bunga,Yason, n Gina jg Yayat..^^ 
St. Andrew Street 

Thursday 21 April 2011

its "D "

Dhora hihihi..

Perdana HIjab ^^ 

This is my hijab prend form intake 131 hahaha dr    krmn kan di apartemen trus mls kemana" jg lg krismon hihihi. Ternyata adem pke hijab..senang sayang mama blm liat ini anknya udh berhijab,mw skype susah bgt pp y ma di tlp aja nt dhora soon dtg bkin suprise hihi amien.Rencana mw iktan ke KL tp sepertiny tdk jd karna my couple blm pasti yg mw di bawa hahaha ( sok laku ..^^) .

Today niatnya mw belajar Boeing for CST n iron my clothes tp ga jd..malah mlaku" ke Training Center n Mall perdana jln" pke hijab ^^. Udh lama ga ke TC lg rame ada interview for new FO, menambah armada perang RBA haha,smoga jd dtg new air craft nya this years amien, trus salary mugari" expatriate di tambah haha (dambaan cewe" yg tinggal di beribi PSI hihi) amin ya allah. Binggung mw belajar CST apaan wat bsk Pdhal instrukturnya kejam bsk huhuu tp msh di kmr aris msh di depan laptop dan msh cengengesan bareng" huh. Abies CST bsknya udh long haul ke Brisbane..abies tu charter flight Penang - Townsvilles abies tu Singapore,Suyabaya,Manila..hap..hap..smga sht trus jd terbangnya lncr semua..amien. Td sempet baca hijab community ttg : Isamic Marriage mmm nice one lah..smoga bs seperti itu ( msh jauh ga ya..?? tw aachh) berdoa aja..amin )

I had news ternyata night stop di Pert kita satu hotel sama ank" GA widiiiww sedap" bs ketemuan ...???!!
(siapa lg..?? )

Ketemu pak jumari td..dia panggil" pas g lg lari" di koridor apartemen bwh..(,mana pas ga pke tudung..huhu lg pas pke hot pants malu mw kabur di sangka sombong..)  haha dia udh hmpir 1 mingguan ga ketemu g..baik bgt segh si bapak..tny kpn terbang lg,tny kbr..makin kuyus si bapak kasian cape die,tp tenang dia sdh ada partner si pak Ali itu hehe.

Td mkn di cheez box ketemu kuya" haha dsr kuya lo boi hihi, mkn tom yam yum..yum..sedap. mw beli boots di CK..keyen sekali berebutan sam asi octa dodol emang.Octa itu junior g di RBA,kita bareng" interview dlu tp g dluan yg berangkat baru dia. beda 1 intake should be 130 jd 131.

Any way there is 1 good quote from my best prend :

" I asked for strength and Allah gave me difficulties to make me strong,I asked for wisdom and Allah gave me problems to solve,I asked for love and Allah gave me troubled people to help,I asked for favors and Allah gave me opportunities. Maybe I received nothing I wanted, But I received everything I needed."

Subahanaallah ternyata allah swt emang udh ksh bnyk berkah wat ak selama ini..karna emang dia udh berikan semuanya tp ga sadar" manusianya. ^^

another nice quote also from my cousin :

‎"فَأَذَاقَهُمُ ٱللَّهُ ٱلْخِزْىَ فِى ٱلْحَيَوٰةِ ٱلدُّنْيَا ۖ وَلَعَذَابُ ٱلْءَاخِرَةِ أَكْبَرُ ۚ لَوْ كَانُوا۟ يَعْلَمُونَ 

Maka Allah merasakan kepada mereka kehinaan pada kehidupan dunia. Dan sesungguhnya azab pada hari akhirat lebih besar kalau mereka mengetahui." (QS. AZ-ZUMAR:26)


Saturday 16 April 2011

Its C

Kmrin diksh note bgs bgt dr salah satu tmn ttg hijab:

Ukhti....berjilbablah... masihkah ini yang kau ucapkan, ”Insya Allah yang penting hati dulu yang berjilbab. ”

Ada seorang wanita yang dikenal taat beribadah.

Ia kadang menjalankan ibadah sunnah. Hanya satu kekurangannya, Ia tak mau berjilbab. Menutup auratnya. Setiap kali ditanya ia hanya tersenyum dan menjawab.

”Insya Allah yang penting hati dulu yang berjilbab. ”

Sudah banyak orang menanyakan maupun menasehatinya. Tapi jawabannya tetap sama.

Hingga di suatu malam.

Ia bermimpi sedang di sebuah taman yang sangat indah. Rumputnya sangat hijau, berbagai macam bunga
bermekaran. Ia bahkan bisa merasakan segarnya udara dan wanginya bunga. Sebuah sungai yang sangat jernih
hingga dasarnya kelihatan, melintas dipinggir taman.

Semilir angin pun ia rasakan di sela-sela jarinya.

Ia tak sendiri.Ada beberapa wanita disitu yang terlihat juga menikmati
keindahan taman. Ia pun menghampiri salah satu wanita. Wajahnya sangat bersih seakan-akan
memancarkan cahaya yang sangat lembut.

“Assalamu'alaikum, saudariku....”
“Wa'alaikum salam. Selamat datang saudariku”
“Terima kasih. Apakah ini surga?”

 Wanita itu tersenyum. “Tentu saja bukan, saudariku. Ini hanyalah tempat menunggu sebelum ke surga ”

“Benarkah? Tak bisa kubayangkan seperti apa indahnya surga jika tempat menunggunya saja
 sudah seindah ini. ”

Wanita itu tersenyum kembali.

”Amalan apa yang bisa membuatmu kemari, saudariku ?”

“Aku selalu menjaga waktu shalat dan aku menambahnya dengan ibadah sunnah. ”


Tiba-tiba jauh di ujung taman ia melihat sebuah pintu yang sangat indah. Pintu itu terbuka.

Dan ia melihat beberapa wanita yang berada di Taman mulai memasukinya satu-persatu.

 “Ayo kita ikuti mereka” kata wanita itu setengah berlari.

 “ Apa di balik pintu itu?” Katanya sambil mengikuti wanita itu

 “ Tentu saja surga saudariku” larinya semakin cepat

 “ Tunggu..tunggu aku..”

 dia berlari namun tetap tertinggal

Wanita itu hanya setengah berlari sambil tersenyum kepadanya.
Ia tetap tak mampu mengejarnya meski ia sudah berlari. Ia lalu berteriak,

 “Amalan apa yang telah kau lakukan hingga engkau begitu ringan ?”

 “Sama dengan engkau saudariku.” jawab wanita itu sambil tersenyum

Wanita itu telah mencapai pintu. Sebelah kakinya telah

melewati pintu. Sebelum wanita itu melewati pintu

sepenuhnya, ia berteriak pada wanita itu.

“ Amalan apalagi yang kau lakukan yang tidak kulakukan ?”

Wanita itu menatapnya dan tersenyum. Lalu berkata,

“Apakah kau tak memperhatikan dirimu, apa yang membedakan dengan diriku ?”

 Ia sudah kehabisan napas, tak mampu lagi menjawab.

 “ Apakah kau mengira Rabbmu akan mengijinkanmu masuk ke Surga-NYa tanpa jilbab menutup auratmu ?”

Tubuh wanita itu telah melewati pintu, tapi tiba-tiba kepalanya mengintip keluar, memandangnya dan


”Sungguh sangat disayangkan amalanmu tak mampu membuatmu mengikutiku memasuki surga ini untuk dirimu.
Cukuplah surga hanya sampai hatimu karena niatmu adalah menghijabi hati.”

Ia tertegun..lalu terbangun..beristighfar lalu mengambil air wudhu.
Ia tunaikan shalat malam. Menangis dan menyesali perkataannya dulu.. berjanji pada Allah sejak saat itu ia akan menutup auratnya.

Sudahkah Anda berhijab ??? ataukah menunggu peringatan dari Allah dulu sehingga kamu tertegun...
Wallahu alam bishawab.

Makin bersyukur karna udh bs selangkh lebih maju..hehehe > Pas buka FB pagi ini my best frend tag me : 

Dear my mirror, congratz for "a new U", keep it that way, always istiqomah n Allah SWT always protect u.. Aamiin

I just wanna tell a couple of note that i had wrote just in my past :


Kadang hidup tu ga baik buat g,
Kadang hidup tu baik wat g,cm hidup tu ga bs di tebak..kadang seneeennng bgt,,kadanggg susaaaahhhnya minta ampun..kadang masalah ga berenti2..kadang ga berenti2 nyari masalah.

belajar untuk bersyukur,belajar untuk iklas,belajar untuk lebih sabar..kunci sukses untuk saat ini.

hidup penuh kebohongan,,sampe kpn bs bertahan,hidup penuh dng ke ria an..sampe kpn akan semua yg lo liat , lo rasa tu bener..kadang tu cm sesaat,,cm semu semata.

cinta..?? apa bs menjadi pemecah masalah..?? apa bs jd sesuatu yg di harapkan..kadang kata" CINTA" bs jd masalah..kadang kata "CINTA" membuat org tersenyum..!! ga jarag Cinta jg bkin sedih ,n so desperate.. 

Acchhh hidup...!! alangkah berwarnanya dirimu..begtu banyk warna,rasa,cita,suka..jadi satu.

Terus berusaha mencapai impian,cita2..angan..untuk meraih satu tujuan "untuk HIDUP"

( By : alora )


Ingin mengapai nya disana...

Ingin dpt berbagi segala nya ..

Ingin merasakan segalan nya.

makin kuat rasa ini ...makin kuat cobaan yg datang.

banyak hal yg berubah..banyak hal yg hrs di rubah.

di saat rasa asa datang..entah apa yg hrs di lakukan..!!!

begitu banyk cerita yg tersimpan,begitu banyak cerita yg ingin disampai kan..!!

Waktu tetap bejln seiring harap ku yg akan datang...mananti asa yg tersimpan.

Sempurna itu ga da,memaafkan tu sulit tp hrs...iklas tu susah tp wajib..

Masa lalu itu shadow yg kadang datang ga bs di duga ga bs di hentikan datang seenkayna pergi seenaknya..meninggalkan luka lagi

kadang meninggalkan bahagia..tergantung kita menyikapinya,,

Masa depan itu misteri tp hrs di rencanakan,apa yg terjd di masa depan tu terkadang hsl dr msa lalu,terkadang "its just happen like that" 

tanpa di rencanakan ato ditebak "that called destiny ".

(By: alora)


Dapat kah kau melihat...cinta..
dapat kah kau merasakan nya...

Apa yg kan terjadi bila ternyata...semua ini hanya lah mimpi indah..
Harus merelakannya bila tiba waktunya kita harus berpisah...

Mungkin kini kita telah berbeda dalam melihat cinta tak dapat untuk di jalani

Mungkin cinta adalah gejolak , kan buat kita kecewa akan menjadi air mata

Hidup hrs tentukan..sebuah pilihan

tak slalu seperrti apa yang kita harapkan

Bila memang jalan nya kita harus relakan

malam menutup hari..musim kian berganti,kita harus mengerti...bila semua harus usai sudah.

(By : Alora )

This note from my friend, just for fun ngisinya pke sekalian curhat si ucok ini ..hihihi : 

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

1. last beverage = makaroni
2. last phone call = Fenny
3. last text message = Mama
4. last song you listened to = I never told you - colbie caillat
5. last time you cried = jujur apa cm jwb aja..?? hahaha jujur : last night, klo jwb aja udh lupa hahaha.

6. dated someone twice= never
7. been cheated on= been there done that
8. kissed someone & regretted it= once
9. lost someone special= pernah
10. been depressed= yes, a big one!
11. been drunk and threw up= been there,but  no threw up ..( dad,sorry it was long" time ago..)

12. Red
13. Black
14. Pink


15. Made a new friend = yes
16. Fallen out of love= BELUMMM
17. Laughed until you cried= yes
18. Met someone who changed you= I hope
19. Found out who your true friends were= yes
20. Found out someone was talking about you= never care, anyway
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list= blm..hihi
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life= beberapa tw,dan beberapa mw tw hahaha
23. How many kids do you want to have= 3-4 maybe
24. Do you have any pets= nope
25. Do you want to change your name= never (love my name)
26. What did you do for your last birthday= went to the office as usually
27. What time did you wake up today = 7 PM
28. What were you doing at midnight last night = listen to the music smbil nangis" tolol
29. Name something(S) you CANNOT wait for= berakhirnya kontrak di RBA hahaha
30. Last time you saw your Mother= 7 maret 2011
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? = I love it just the way it is
32. What are you listening to right now = Yovie n nuno - manusia biasa
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom= No, but I believe I've talked to Jerry the capt for airbus hihi
34. What's getting on your nervous right now= this nu job
35. Most visited webpage= yahoo, google, facebook, Blog spot, twitter, and 4shared
36. Whats your real name = Emadhora Tila Ningsih
37. Nicknames = Dhora
38. Relationship Status = it’s SINGLE
39. Zodiac sign = Scorpio
40. Male or female? = Female
41. Elementary school? = SD Islamic Village
44. Hair colour = Black
45. Long or short = Long
46. Height = 168 cm
47. Do you have a crush on someone? = I like to crush someone..wahahahaha
48: What do you like about yourself? = Simple,Suppel..Super women hihihi..u tell me lah
49. Piercings = earing
50. Tattoos = Been there done was yoo cm temporary kok.
51. Righty or lefty = righty

52. First surgery = never
53. First piercing= anting
54. First best friend= ... ( diana , kali waktu SD)
55. First sport you joined = Renang
56. First vacation= padang kali
58. First pair of trainers = my parents
59. Eating = bubur
60. Drinking = mom's milk
61. I'm about to = gitting kata doi..??
62. Listening to = ini lg ada lagu gleen - sedih tak berujung di kmr aris
63. Waiting = pay day time..hehehe

64. Want kids? = of course
65. Want to get married? = well, come on, who doesn't???
66. Career = something I really love doing this time..hehehe but not in a good place hehehe (msh aja ada kurang nya)

67. Lips or eyes= both
68. Hugs or kisses= both in the same time
69. Shorter or taller= taller
70. Older or Younger = older / at least same age, tp skrg trima kok berondong hahaha
71. Romantic or spontaneous = both
72. Nice stomach or nice arms= Nice arms
73. Sensitive or loud = loud
74. Hook-up or relationship = relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant= hesitant

76. Kissed a stranger= nope
77. Drank hard liquor= binggung ??!!
78. Lost glasses/contacts = never
79. Sex on first date= BIG NO
80. Broken someone's heart = Maybe...??!
81. Had your own heart broken = once and so deep..hahaha it's so in past
82. Been arrested = never
83. Turned someone down= maybe
84. Cried when someone died = of course
85. Fallen for a friend= NOPE

86. Yourself = why shouldn't I?
87. Miracles = yes
88. Love at first sight = sometimes
90. Santa Claus = nope
91. Kiss on the first date = harus y..??
92. Angels = they're everywhere around

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time= nope, one enough
95. Did you sing today? = of course
96. Ever cheated on somebody? = yes
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? = 7 years ago
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?= 8 april 2010
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?= now these yes..
100. Posting this as 100 truths? = yeah…ak kan jujur ^^ 

>> di tny dan di jwb sebaru" nya hahaha seyu jg..^^

Ak mask makaroni hr ini ...sedap..srup" pke saos pasta yg pedas + keju + daging..yum" ^^
Mareeee makn...